Saturday, 26 October 2013

Learning How To Research Effectively

John Hedgecoe

Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art. The term composition means 'putting together' and can apply to any work of art.
The composition of this photo is very good as the layout of the photo has been carefully thought about. This photo is cut into three parts. The two end parts are a mirror of each other but the centre is the main focus of the imagine.
This is a good website for tips and help on composition:

The focal point in this image is the main's face. How his hands are placed draw your attention to his face. Here, John Hedgecoe wants you to look and focus on his face instead of any other part of the photo.
The lighting is mainly on the man's face and body and although the photo is black and white, some areas are darker than others which directs your attention to the lighter parts because of the lighting.
His hands are more sharp and in focus than any other part of the photo because they are closer to the lens but then his hands to focus your attention on his face which is further away from the lens.


Focal Point
Focal point is the exact point at which the camera is focused at maximum sharpness.
In this photo, the girl is the main focus as the photo was for a fashion shoot. Her outfit is more in focus than any other part of hte photo and because of the background colour and her outfit colour, she stands out which makes her more bold in the photo.
I think this website is good for help and tips on focal point:

This photo's layout has been thought out carefully as the model is in the centre of the photo which makes her stand out and the main focus as if you separate the photo into three sections, she would be in the centre.
The lighting here is shinning down on the model which is lighting up her hair and the top of the outfit. Also, her shadow is darkening the background where she is standing which also helps her stand out. Perou clearly wants you to look at her outfit here.
The model is in sharp focus whereas the background looks like its blurred which means it isnt in focus.

Vee Speers

Lighting in photography is the distribution of light on an object or person.
In this photo, the light is shining on the the top half of the photo, making the top of the background lighter and the model stand out more.
This website is particularly good for use of lighting;

The layout of the photo is good and as you can see, Vee Speers has tried hard to set it up and get the background to fit the outfit and model.
The model is the main focus here and because of the background, her and her outfit stand out as they are both lighter or darker than the background.
The model is in sharp focus and because the background isn't, that helps to outline the model.

Annie Leibovitz

Depth Of Field
Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest object that appear in sharp focus in a photograph.
The whole photo is in sharp focus but the models do stand out against the background due to their outfits.
This website is good for help on depth of field:

In this photo, the light is more focused on the model in blue as you can see the light shining on her and her outfit.
The two models are are the main focal point because of their outfits even if the background is quite busy.
The layout is very clever in the photo as I think Annie Liebovitz has dressed up the models and used a green sheet as the background because then you can put any image you want as the background using a computer once the image is taken.

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